Day by Day cartoon

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Suzuki update-

Remember what I said about repeatedly cutting in half the distance to a final point?

My parts I ordered last week, the fuel petcock and the windshield, will be here tomorrow! That's the good news. The bad news is that the 4 carburetor pilot jets and plastic plugs that I ordered Friday won't arrive until Thursday, at the earliest.

I did remove the carbs from the bike and in removing each float bowl found a treasure trove of bits of orange silicone sealant, rust and crud. They were really horrible. I also discovered that the plastic plug that I found loose in the first float bowl did indeeed belong inside, but installed in a pipe blocking most of the access to the pilot jet.

And 2 of the pilot jets had to be drilled and EZ-outed, so I had to visit the Suzuki store and order more parts, 4 each pilot jets and 4 new rubber plugs.

While I'm waiting, I took the Dremel tool and polishing wheel to the aluminum carburetor tops and shined them up nicely. It may not run (yet) but at least its shiny...

Content note: In linking to Big Boys Toys website, I noted that a) their map hasn't been updated since they moved- at least 2 years ago, out to Harrisville, and b) even though the web site's front page shows a rider on a Victory motorcycle, there's no mention of them being a Victory dealer, which they are. I happen to really like looking at the entire Victory line up. I sure don't have the money for a big custom V-twin motorcycle but if I did, I would be shopping at the Victory showroom and nowhere else.

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